
Sunday, December 11, 2011

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas has always been one of my most favorite holidays.  Maybe it is because it seems to last for so long and so many fun events to attend.  I am reminded once again this year of just how much I love this holiday. 

December is always a full month for our family.  It starts the first weekend with Eric’s company Christmas party, followed the next weekend by breakfast with Santa.  These are some of my most cherished traditions. 

This weekend was breakfast with Santa.  It started with Quinny knocking on the bedroom door at 5:30 in the morning.  When I opened the door, still blurry eyed, the first thing out of his mouth was “Mommy, is it Saturday?”   After my assurance that it was, he said in his highest, most excited voice, “It’s Santa day!”  I love being able to watch our two youngest really get into the Christmas magic.  It never gets old.

We eventually made our way to Wixon, (Eric’s place of work) around 8:30.  We ate our breakfast, which was the other highlight.  Gotta love pancakes and sausage.  Then it was time for the main event.  It was tough to wait in line, especially when we caught sight of the man in red.  Then, it was our turn.  The two little guys could hardly contain themselves as they ran up to Santa.  Each of the four youngest kids got a gift and we made our way out, all smiles and feeling cheerful.

Today was our annual shopping trip.  Each year, Eric and I try to finish up our Christmas shopping in one day.  We take stock of everything that we have already purchased throughout the year and make a list of the things we still need.  I love this day.  Even though it is exhausting and not always successful, it is a chance for Eric and I to spend an entire day with each other.  We have coffee and eat lunch together and reconnect in the midst of a very busy and hectic season.

So, how did we do?  Not as well as we would have liked, but we made a dent in our ever expanding list of names.  While the job, at times, seems daunting, we stick to two rules.  The first is that we set a budget for every person and stick to it.  With six children it would be very easy to overspend.  But with so many people to buy for, and the amount not being the true meaning of Christmas, we stick to our budget.  The other rule we have is that we use cash.  This helps us to stay on budget.  We see the amount of cash in our wallets dwindling and are very aware of what we are spending.

The one thing that we were so much better with this year is taking into account the amount we had spent throughout the year.  This way we are truly staying on budget, rather than just saying we are.  For instance, we had already spent a total of $40 on one of our children on various things we had picked up over the year, so we made sure to subtract that from our budget.  This way, we are not overspending.  Little by little we are getting better at this whole Christmas budget thing!

I had every intention of doing a “Saving at Christmas” entry, but it is getting late and I just don’t have it in me tonight.  So, I will set some time aside tomorrow to post again.  

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tis The Season

So, Thanksgiving has come and gone.  The holiday season is here in full force.  Mother nature has seemed to take her cue, as it is cold and damp today.  As I sit here at the computer, I am feeling the need to think about our traditions.  What they are now and how they have changed and will continue to change in the future.  When Eric and I were first starting to celebrate holidays together, we ended up going to three or four houses on Thanksgiving Day.  Needless to say, it was all a little much for our four smallish children and us.
It was more stressful than relaxing and we decided something needed to change.  Hence, our Thanksgiving tradition was born.  We now stay home on Thanksgiving Day.  We cook a meal with all the trimmings and keep it very informal.  We have family that wants to come over, come over, and those who don't, don't need to think they are snubbing us.  It became clear early on that the Putnam family is a force in and of itself.  With six children of varying ages, it can be difficult to get anywhere, much less three different places all in one day.  This took that pressure off.  
However, this year, we decided that things were starting to become too stressful again.  We decided to make this Thanksgiving as stress free as possible.  We didn't make any super fancy dishes and my house was not immaculate, but I wanted this years' Thanksgiving to be about spending time with family.  I must say that this was a completely enjoyable day and much less stressful.
Another part of our Thanksgiving Day tradition is to sit around the table after dinner and plan out our shopping adventure for Black Friday.  Yes, it's true.  I am one of those crazy people that get up super early in search of good deals.  However, for me it is more of a social outing, versus a mission for me.  This year wasn't impressive, between feeling slightly sick and just not enjoying the sales starting at midnight; it didn't hold the same appeal. Just one more thing to plan for next year when we are sitting around the table after dinner.
The final Thanksgiving weekend tradition is heading out to East Troy Friday afternoon for our annual cookie decorating at Aunt Dee Dee's house.  Every year, we get together and decorate sugar cookies.  It is for the kids, or so we say, but every year it is the adults that are the ones left around the table after the "fun" has worn off.  But, I must say, it is one of those things I look forward to every year.  The cookies aren’t professional looking, and in some cases, are down right ugly, but there are always plenty of laughs and reminiscing to go around.
Whatever your traditions may be now, and whatever they may look like in the future, I hope they bring you peace and comfort in this very busy season.  Take Care!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How It All Began

This is the start of something that is truly a record of my life. It is my journey through life and all the ups and downs that go along with it. I am nowhere near perfect in any aspect of my life, but I accept that and still try my best. This is a work in progress and I hope that if you are reading this, you are enjoying yourself. Feel free to laugh along with me, shed a few tears if necessary, and know that you are not alone in the mistakes you make.

As I said in my "about me" section, I am a wife. My husband, Eric, is about as close to a saint as you will ever meet. He puts up with all my hair brained ideas and supports me with all of his heart and soul. He truly is my best friend and my soul mate. Ok, I know that some of you might be gagging at this point, but really, credit needs to be given where it is due, and I am who I am today, due largely in part to the wonderful husband that is by my side. We have been married for a little over seven years and I hope we have at least 70 more!

I am lucky enough to have six children. Chandler is the oldest at 19. Emily, 15, is next, followed by Remy, 12, Ryan, 11, Quintin, 4, and last, but certainly not least, is Liam, 3. It is a full house, but I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

I strive every day to live my life to its fullest and best. It isn’t always easy, as I am not always able to live out of my “value pot.” I remind myself that this is a journey and to enjoy the ride along the way. That everything happens for a reason and eventually, it will all work out.

If you have made it this far, thank you and I hope that I do not disappoint. Stay Tuned…